Curriculum Vitae – Busnelli Stefano Antonio

Personal Information Busnelli Stefano Antonio
Gender Male
Date of birth 1974-08-19
Nationality Italian

Current position Batch scheduler and linux system administration specialist

DESCRIPTION AND RECENT EXPERIENCE I currently work as scheduler specialist and linux system administrator at ECIT srl for Europassistance.

I have 15 years experience in the implementation of CRM projects in the pharma and consumer health sector where I gained high proficient skills in PL-SQL and Extraction, Load and Transformation of datasets for the world’s largest pharmaceutical company.

I gained high proficient programmer’s skills during all my life, not just for work but due this is what really like to do. I’m proficient in C, PYTHON, bash scripting. I know the main programming paradigm and I’m fascinated with new technologies and I like to be constantly updated about them.

I like the open source world, I love linux and administering linux server. I starded with REDHAT like distros, then moved to GENTOO where I learnt how to build a linux system from scratch and now I’m proficient in debian like distros as DEBIAN and UBUNTU.

During the 2018’s spring, as free lancer, I implemented the internet navigation service of the Bergamo city librarian system, where over 50 All-In-One Pc and a DEBIAN 9 server work as an internet point spawned on over 16 libraries and 8 SCC.
I installed and configured routers, switches and cabled all the working stations, I installed the server and configured services as IPTABLES firewall, DHCP and BIND9 for the networking, APACHE and MARIADB for some internal websites I made in PHP 7 for administration purposes, SQUID proxy for content filtering, SSHD and OPENVPN for remote administration of server and workstations and FREERADIUS for authenticating over 200k registered users.

Even during the 2018 spring, I developed a WORDPRESS website for Pisa’s chamber of commerce where I purchased the CLOUD server, configured IPTABLES, HTTPS cert, SSHD, MARIADB and APACHE2, then installed and configured WORDPRESS.

Jul-2017 / Today
Batch scheduler and linux system administration specialist
ECIT srl
Specialist in scheduling, monitoring, tuning and problem determination of batch programs.

  • Scheduling and monitoring of batch procedures
  • Developing of procedures for data exchanging over ssh, ftp and mail protocols

Main technologies:

  • Red Hat Linux
  • Ubuntu Linux
  • Mainframe re-hosting ( Unikix, Clerity solutions | DELL )
  • Axway XFB Monitor | XFB Gateway
  • Open SSL ( SSH, SCP, SFTP )
  • FTP
  • BASH scripting
Business or sector: Assistance / Insurance
Apr-2018 / Jul-2018
Project for Bergamo’s city
I implemented the internet navigation service of the Bergamo city librarian system, where over 50 All-In-One Pc and a DEBIAN 9 server work as an internet point spawned on over 16 libraries and 8 SCC.
I installed and configured routers, switches and cabled all the working stations, I installed the server and configured services as IPTABLES firewall, DHCP and BIND9 for the networking, Apache and MARIADB for some internal websites that I make in PHP 7 for administration purpose, SQUID proxy for content filtering, SSHD and OPENVPN for remote administration of server and workstations and FREERADIUS for authenticating over 200k registered users.Main technologies:

  • TCP/IP networking
  • Debian 9 linux
  • Bash scripting
  • Powershell scripting
  • AVG Antivirus
  • Windows 10 system administration
  • Iptables for filtering and routing
  • DHCP service
  • Bind 9 service
  • Maria DB
  • Apache 2 service
  • PHP 7.0
  • Squid 3 service with ACL rules and content filtering
  • SSHD service
  • Open Vpn service
  • Freeradius service as radius proxy.
  • Collectd for checking server status and report analysis

I’m still remote administering the service.

Business or sector: Public Administration
Apr-2018 / Jul-2018
Project for Pisa’s chamber of commerce
I developed a WordPress website for Pisa’s chamber of commerce:

I purchased the CLOUD server, configured it with SSHD, MYSQL and APACHE2, then installed and configured WordPress.

Main technologies:

  • CLOUD Server
  • Debian 9 linux
  • Bash scripting
  • Iptables firewall
  • Maria DB
  • Apache 2 service
  • Let’s Encrypt for SSL Certificate
  • WordPress ( IT )
  • SSHD service

I’m still remote administering the service

Business or sector: Public Administration
Jan-2007 / Oct-2017
Senior ETL Technical Specialist
Cegedim Relationship Management (Milan) / IMS Health (Milan) / Quintiles IMS (Milan)
Main expert of the internal CRM data model in the implementation team.
Developer of procedure for feeding the the internal CRM with customer’s data set in the implementation phase of the CRM’s customer customization, and roll-out process.
Developer of business intelligence procedures for data extraction from the internal CRM database.

  • ETL
    Developer of tools fo feeding the two main internal CRM with data provided by customer.
  • Data Warehouse
    Support for customers on developing their DWH based on data extracted from the internal CRM.
  • Business Intelligence
    Developer of SQL queries on the internal CRM data model and MS Office based applications.

Main technologies:

  • Oracle 11g
  • PL/SQL
  • Visual Basic for Application ( Access, Excel )
  • C
  • Python
  • Bash scripting
Business or sector: Pharma
Nov 2002 / Dec 2006
Oracle Technical Specialist
Dendrite srl (Milan)
  • Customer Service
    Developer of SQL queries for fixing customer data in the CRM
    Developer of Oracle’s stored procedures for automating the business and customer processes.
  • Business Intelligence
    Developer of a huge Qlik View application containing all the reports requested by the customer split in many modules saved on CD-ROM and delivered to all the customer’s Regional and Area Manager by post mail..
  • Data Warehouse
    Developer of a data warehouse for feeding a Qlik View application with a monthly snapshot of the CRM data model

Main technologies:

  • Oracle 11g
  • PL/SQL
  • Qlik View
Business or sector: Pharma
Jan 2002 / Oct 2002
IT Technical Specialist
Omnitel Vodafone (Milan)
  • Deployer of the 190 website internally developed
  • Network administrator

Main technologies:

  • Windows NT4 server
  • COM+
  • Active Directory
  • Windows Powershell
  • DNS
  • TCP/IP
Business or sector: Telecommunication
Jan1999 / Dec 2001
AIVE srl (Cernusco sul naviglio – Milan)
  • Porting of a CRM developed in Cobol under IBM AS400 to web based application based on CGI and Microsoft Internet Information Service under Windows NT
  • Developer in the Accenture team of a web application for the “Il Sole 24 Ore” web site.

Main technologies:

  • AS400
  • Internet Information Service
  • CGI
  • Windows NT
  • Visual Basic, Visual Studio 6
  • Oracle
Business or sector: Warehouse